Here’s 10 marketing tips of things you can be getting on with, if you’re bogged down in lockdown.
#1. Refine your perfect client avatar. The spreadsheet shown in the video will lead you to topics your prospects are interested in
#2. Write a blog post. Use the topics derived in step 1
#3. Post it on Linkedin
#4. Make a video. I can help you
#5. Send the video and blog post to your mail list (as I’m doing here 🙂
#6. If you don’t have a good mail list, get started with a lead magnet
#7. Create a voucher or competition. Promote it to your audience using Facebook advertising
#8. Set up Google Adwords
#9. Improve how you ask clients for referrals. Don’t just send an email, talk to them
#10. Call up 10 past clients. See how they’re going in lockdown.
Most of all, try to push your comfort zone and celebrate tasks done. You may not get immediate returns but you will with consistent action over time.
If you’d like help planning some videos, give me a call.
Keith Rhodes