The Brief
Hume City Council is one of the more proactive council's in Melbourne when it comes to attracting new businesses to their area. We made a series of videos for them about five years ago, and it was time for a refresh and a new set of videos.
Our Solution
We came up with a plan to film and edit three interviews with businesses that recently made the decision to come to Hume, such as Amazon, and a video of the key benefits of the location which you see on this page. Filming required a lot of driving around the various features and assets in Hume. At the same time the client engaged a graphic designer to come up with a logo and style guide for the campaign. We did the animation. Voice over was considered, but using text on screen and the emotion of the music won the day.
The Outcome
After some minor alterations to the first draft, the client was really happy with the outcome and is now pushing the videos to their target market via this website.
If you've got a program or initiative in Melbourne to show and explain, lets discuss some options.